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Death Valley, CA.

On my recent end of the Summer/beginning of Fall Vacations, I visited Death Valley and I loved it, I knew little about this place but I also knew that the views and location was extremely hot and also amazing so I booked my trip knowing I was coming here! Is one of the most awesome places i’ve been, I had a great time driving through the park and feeling hot at all times, termometer reached 107˚ F while I was there.

I arrive to the Park through the Death Valley Junction coming from Las Vegas, is about 2hr drive. Be prepared with a cooler with ice, water and snacks! I camped at “Panamint Springs” but there’s a couple more Campgrounds at Furnace Creek. Don’t forget to go to the Visitor Center and get your map, you can’t be around with out it and a car, most importantly.

This is the list of the places I visited in 1 day:

  1. Zabriski Point

  2. Furnace Creek-Visitor Center

  3. Artist Drive-Artist Palette

  4. Badwater Basin

  5. Natural Bridge

  6. The pool at “The Oasis” ($10 dls)

  7. Dante’s View

  8. Stovepipe Wells -Mesquite Sand Dunes

  9. Panamint Springs resort (Only for sleep)

I wish I had extra time to explore more but I did pretty good!

Check the short version of a 20 min video I made at the bottom of the post, I hope you guys like it. Leave a comment if you like.