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Charging batteries

Today was a hot day, I almost felt like I was about to give up the idea of my beach plans after a ride to Midtown, I barely go to the city anymore but I had to do a small job earlier there, I haven’t use the subway since March so everywhere I go I either bike or walk so crossing the Williamsburg bridge 2 ways on a Citi bike in one of the hottest days was no joke and on the top of that the inclination of the bridge is ahhhh!,but once I got back and got cool at home I packed my lunch and grabbed my camera and headed to la playa for a much needed recharging time, now i’m ready for another week of hard work, that’s another story about how people behave dining outdoors, I’ll tell you another time .

I wish the beach was closer to me so I can see the sunrise or sunset more often, in the meantime, enjoy some of the photos I took :) i’m no photographer but I like playing with the camera whenever I can.

Light & Love,
