“Loss and legacy”
“Loss and Legacy (GONE)”
I can not help to think about how losing my father made a huge impact in my life, I lost him and I will never have him back, today it’s been 11 years since he is not here with me I can not have his support and love as much as I want to, he can’t take me for a walk to the beach, we can’t have a meal or a beer together, he can’t make me mad at him anymore, he can’t tell me a dad joke, we can’t travel together, I wanna go fishing with him or go watch car races, he can’t hear about my life adventures, he can’t cheer me up, period. I’ve met wonderful people in my life, I’ve loved a few and I’ve felt loved by them too but in the past year I also lost some people in my life and that hurts in a different way, is a different type of loss, I think losing someone because they physically died Is easier to understand because there is no way you can bring them back to life, you can’t do anything about it, just have to accept the fact their gone forever so you resígnate eventually.
I’m grieving today and everyday and that’s fine with me because I have the gift of turning a bad feeling into something beautiful so I’m doing that.
Loss and legacy is about how a person makes an impact in anyone’s life based on their actions, what they do for you and what they teach us, is also about how we love and how we live our lives; Is about the lesson you learn from that loss, this is very important to acknowledge because you grow from that/them. I think about what’s my legacy, What am I gonna leave to my family, my friends and my community? I’ve left my country, my hometown and I’ve left other places I’ve lived and loved only to do better and learn more from them.
“Correct me if I’m wrong and remind me when I’m gone”