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Wonder wheel

I’m celebrating my life all the month or March, not that i don’t celebrate myself every other month but March is my birthday month, so is extra special, it’s been a wonderful time! it feels like somedays is similar to a wonder wheel effect, a fun and exciting adventure, a journey that involves taking decisions and learn from them, going up and have a better view and going down to earth too, right?, I’m taking care of myself more than ever and most importantly I get to appreciate life so much and honor my body, who carries my spirit, always near the water.

Sometimes I wonder why am I still in the East Coast, why am I in this part of the world if I could be somewhere else? I guess I can go anywhere when I feel like this place stops feeling like home, I dream sometimes in going opposite and live in the West coast who I love so much, maybe live in a Distant Island when I’m older, I’m definitely doing that.

I’ve realized that many things don’t happen to me so when they do happen I get to experience them in a way no one does and that’s one of my gifts, I truly believe that, I see the horizon with special eyes, I feel the water and I swim in it like no one does and I can finally say I have a special connection with the universe who I call force of nature, not God, but now I understand who God is. Crazy right?
I’ll tell you more about this another time.
see you soon friends, I hope you enjoy these photos I took,

love and light,
