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being hard on hardboiled eggs


This is just me venting about hardboiled eggs, I usually cook them myself but today I ran out of them so I went to the local market to get some, I think it’s the last time I get hardboiled eggs from anyone else, I’ve been disappointed 4 times already, at the same market!, I keep thinking It was just that one time but no, again, the eggs weren’t cooked right so my question is, how can you not cook an egg correctly?, This is the easiest way of cooking an egg, you don’t even have to open it!!!

I’m conflicted with myself because I feel so irritated for this, food is so sacred to me and when I crave something so simple like this I expect nothing but to enjoy it and try to go back home mentally as there we have some egg tacos I used to eat, made with fresh corn tortilla and Mexican rice and salsa, sometimes with a Chile relleno in it too, whatever!.

I’m grateful for being able to eat well and to satisfy all my cravings. I know there’s people out there dying of hunger and they would love a bad hardboiled egg. But it was suppose to be a delicious first bite of my day and it got all ruined. So there, I’m done!

I know I need to chill about it but I also needed to express how I feel, I get very irritated when I don’t eat what I want.

I don’t care if I’m right or wrong I just wanted to vent about it, Thank you for reading me and I hope you never get an egg not cooked how you liked and I also wish you never have to starve.

I’m lucky! Just not happy when my eggs are not cooked well.

Okay, thank you and BYE!