Alone in the world

"Montañas y nieve"

This is my new artwork called “Montañas y nieve (mountains and snow)”, I bent this glass tube without a pattern, just by looking at my sketch on my iPad, It was a fun challenge that I enjoyed it so much, I don’t normally bend this way but I remember that day I was open to do something different on my process.

The idea of this “painting” came up in January 2020, I went snowshoeing to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and I couldn’t chose a better day to do it, it was beautiful and sunny, still cold but beareble, it was my first time practicing this activity too; while I was going up hill, I noticed the reflection of the sun in the snow and that got my attention really bad, I never really felt so attracted to that before although I’ve seen it many times here in New York. So I ended up taking a couple pictures of it to bring home with me and enjoyed the rest of the adventure in the snowy mountains, that inspired me to make this beautiful artwork, I used diminutive reflective glass beads that creates a similar light reflection effect, I hope you like appreciate it, i’m happy with how it came out, is just like my sketch.



P.S. You can see more of “Distant Island” pieces here.

Neon Distant Island lights off
“Montañas y nieve” 2020

“Montañas y nieve” 2020

Original sketch

Original sketch
