Alone in the world


“Loss and legacy” it’s a work that speaks to me everyday, I’ve been constantly thinking about the loss of dear people in my life, not only because they actually died, like my dear father, but because we couldn’t connect anymore, people I love, friends and lovers, family, maybe pets in your case. For better or for worse they’re gone for now, some of them forever. Loosing people in your life leaves us thinking about them, in many situations and in many ways, depending of course in what kind of relationship we had. I wanted to put all of those feelings in a symbol I just couldn’t, so I need to say it with words, but not many words were enough, only one: “GONE”.

Today I keep to myself the legacy that others left me, the memories, the lessons learned and the love. But I do think about what am I leaving to others when I’m gone for real, not bad memories I hope, only the good stuff and my light work.