Alone in the world

“I am the last of my kind” Tracey emin

I love this print, I admire and respect Tracey Emin, she is an inspiration, I love the way she expresses herself and how she portraits her femininity and sexuality, she is raw and deep and not complicated, this is what she writes in this paint titled “I am the last of my kind”:

”If every thing you say is true, then you know how much I love you, you must know how afraid I am. Because I will believe what to say, because I trust you. I wonder if this will ever change, I don’t think so, I think I am trapped till I die I am getting old now, but not as old as my broken fucked up vagina that’s so connected to my soul, the end of me the little girl that had to grow up fast. The part of me I so much protect is my memory and that’s made me survive, that has made me there is no other. I am the last of my kind”.

Tracey Emin.
