Laguna Beach, Ca.
January 2021
The only New Year’s vision I had, I did a r e a l I t y.
In the middle of chaos and the beauty I’ve never felt so powerful and so powerless at the same time, to lit up this rose at this beach I had to go through some challenges that I take pride in saying that I faced them the only way I know how to do that, with truth and heart, with perseverance and fear sometimes. It was all worth it, every single breakage, every inch of glass, every tear I dropped. This piece has a special intervention by one of my most dear friends Michael Fletchner, his work is unique and his spirit even more! I had to be there with him, we had to cross paths again, so we did this way. About that story another time, Thank you Flektro for believing in me and for injecting nothing but love and support to my piece.
For all this unprecedented events I couldn’t find anyone to blame except the moon. “I blame the moon” is filled with Argon and Mercury in an 8mm diameter glass.