Alone in the world

October is "Breast Cancer awareness" month

You’re a “Warrior”

A little late in the month but I wanted to create a special piece for every woman out there fighting, struggling and surviving day to day in this world and in this crazy thing called life.

I named this piece “Warrior” because that’s who we are by the fact we are fighting everyday to whatever we have to deal with, I don’t want to say you are only fighting to destroy cancer but you also fight against emotions and feelings, you also fight to make a living and be able to enjoy our passions and hobbies and be with our friends and families and also to earn that other thing we called money so we can eat and live and feed your babies and families, etc, but there you are going against all odds, staying strong, please stay strong, stay strong.

I gotta add to my calendar to do a checkup and I hope you do that too and we all can spread the voice and we can stay healthy too.

Love you,
