Alone in the world

Malibu Photos


“Birds leaving”


June, 2019

“Birds Leaving 2” Malibu, June 2019

“Birds Leaving 2”


June 2019

I’ve been going through a couple of memory cards I have with so many beautiful photos, I don’t think I will be able to show all of them but I wanted to share these ones with the birds flying into the Malibu Sunset.


Best always,


Polar Bear Plunge 2020 @ Coney Island.

What a fun experience this was, lots of great energy from everyone, great way to start the year! I didn’t go into the water tho… I didn’t want to leave my camera and belongings unattended but maybe i’ll bring a friend to keep an eye on my stuff next year. I loved how everyone was cheering on the plungers.

Happy 2020 everyone.