Alone in the world

"Tiny Human"

This is one of my favorite photos I took last year, I have so many great memories from my trips, i’m so thankful I was able to be present in this exact moment when the sun was about to set. This photo was taken in Santa Cruz, California, you can see a person there in the middle, he was the only surfer in this beach, he seemed focus and calm, It was a beautiful day, I can’t imagine that feeling of being in the middle of the ocean waiting and waiting and waiting for that opportunity to “ride that wave”, trying, again and again without getting drowned or without getting bit by a shark… I can’t express with more words but there’s so much more behind this image and this analogy, I just wanna say I hope you never stop trying and you ride great waves in your life.

I can’t wait to visit the West Coast again.

Be safe,


“Tiny human” 2019Santa Cruz, Ca.

“Tiny human” 2019

Santa Cruz, Ca.

Malibu Photos


“Birds leaving”


June, 2019

“Birds Leaving 2” Malibu, June 2019

“Birds Leaving 2”


June 2019

I’ve been going through a couple of memory cards I have with so many beautiful photos, I don’t think I will be able to show all of them but I wanted to share these ones with the birds flying into the Malibu Sunset.


Best always,
