Alone in the world

travels suspended

Hi guys,

I woke thinking about my adventures from last year and I had to to revive my road trip so I went to the Death Valley memories on my iPhone and oh la la, if you follow me for a little while now, you probably know how much I loved visiting Death Valley National Park, it was just so beautiful (and hot), I would never recommend enough. Is so nice to revive good times, thank god for technology huh?

The world is suffering and Mother Earth is angry with all of us, this is a sacred punishment that was sent to us and we need to acknowledge and must try to change for better and take care of ourselves and our planet. I’m really happy I was able to make this trip at that time, it was just right timing. I know things will get better someday and we’ll be okay if we take care of ourselves and others, really!, but in the meantime, no West Coast adventures until new notice, I had my trip planned to visit the PNW but travels are suspended. So all I have is my memories and trying to find new local adventures instead! Hey, i’m going to a Shark Dive next week and I can’t wait!!! Right on time for Shark Week.

Where are you traveling next in the US? What is your favorite National Park? When do you think we can travel again?

Light & Love,


death valley_california.png


Week #9

Hey!, I feel like I can’t do May, I wish we can skip this month and we can go straight to June so I can be outside and go to the beach on a sunny June day. * * * Update, last week of May got a little better, still craving for that Sunny June days tho * * *

I’m sharing this photo of this beautiful place in Big Sur, Ca., McWay falls! As you all probably know I live in New York and I love it, it’s been my home for the past 8 years but I also love California, in 2019 I spent a lot of time there. Mc Way falls was part of my itinerary from a road trip I did on September and it didn’t disappoint me, I got to this specific spot right before sunset, I felt like I wasn’t precisely there but on a different place, maybe in a “Distant Island” per se, is so amazing!

Going back to my travels photos, helps me so much when I feel a little down because I revive those moments and they make me remember how lucky I am sometimes for many reasons. I want to physycally escape somewhere away from here but I can’t right now so in the meantime i’m just mentally escaping to those places I adore like Big Sur.

Hasta pronto!,


McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.September 2019.

McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.

September 2019.