Alone in the world


“I’m gonna rip your heart out

and bury it in the sand,

so the ocean can take it away”


This is my self protection amulet, my weapon.

In a symbolic way, I wanna use this dagger for stealing someone’s heart and at the same time to protect myself from a broken heart.

I’ve carried this piece from New York to Los Angeles, California, I had it in my lap and sometimes under my seat on the plane, we made it to Laguna where I thought I would move for the winter but there were other plans cooking in the meantime.

I took my dagger to one of my favorite beaches there at Sunset time but I wasn’t happy with how it looked with the orange tones from the sunset and I had no time to try another day so I had to wait a couple months until I got to my final destination and felt good to light it up. Finally February reminded me I had to use it so I could finally cut your chest in half and rip your heart out…

Last stop and feeling JOYFUL

I hope someday I can inspire some of you to go somewhere by yourself. I know is a little weird going some places alone but is actually really good for your soul, every single time i’ve been on a trip, short or long, I get to connect more with myself and I come back home feeling really good, inspired, healthy, energized and with a lot of positive thoughts. I know a lot of people that never go out and never do anything fun because they need to be with someone else, you shouldn’t wait for anyone to go with you if you really want to, just book that ticket, rent a car or take the train! Make a list of places you want to visit and start planning.

My bucket list is long but i’ve crossed many things from it already and I will continue to do so as soon as is safe to travel. I really wanted to go to the PNW and visit other National Parks this summer but the pandemic happened, in the meantime, i’m planning my next adventure here in NY and that will be underwater… Stay tuned.

I’m sharing these photos I took in Davenport, California in 2019, this place was the last stop on my itinerary from my road trip, right after here I drove straight to the San José airport to fly back home in Brooklyn, NY. I hope you get the vibe,



Solo photo session at this train rails. Other photos on my Instagram

Solo photo session at this train rails.

Other photos on my Instagram

Shark Fin Cove, Davenport, CA.

Shark Fin Cove, Davenport, CA.

shark fin cove.png
shark fin cove_davenport.png


By the ocean is when I feel the presence of the absent the most, “ I FEEL YOU” is a work that expresses my thoughts and reflexions about the absence and the presence of the people we love that is no longer physically around us but we feel connected to them, there is irony in the concept; “I FEEL YOU” is a message I send to the most amazing natural things that Mother Earth gives us, the ocean, the sun, wildlife, flowers, rocks, trees, etc.

I’m so thrilled to share with you this light work i’ve created to celebrate the presence and the absence of a soul or a place we feel connected to.“I Feel you” is my message to those i love the most, is a love letter to the ocean and nature and is t…

I’m so thrilled to share with you this light work i’ve created to celebrate the presence and the absence of a soul or a place we feel connected to.

“I Feel you” is my message to those i love the most, is a love letter to the ocean and nature and is the way I honor “your presence” and live “your absence”.

On October 4th of 2010 I lost my father due to sudden heart and respiratory problems, it was a surprise and I was devastated, my dad was gone. He would’ve been 71 years old today on June 11th 2020, Its been 10 years since he is not physically with me but he is present in my heart. This piece I dedicate to him!

Light & love for you always,


I FEEL YOU 300.jpeg


Week #9

Hey!, I feel like I can’t do May, I wish we can skip this month and we can go straight to June so I can be outside and go to the beach on a sunny June day. * * * Update, last week of May got a little better, still craving for that Sunny June days tho * * *

I’m sharing this photo of this beautiful place in Big Sur, Ca., McWay falls! As you all probably know I live in New York and I love it, it’s been my home for the past 8 years but I also love California, in 2019 I spent a lot of time there. Mc Way falls was part of my itinerary from a road trip I did on September and it didn’t disappoint me, I got to this specific spot right before sunset, I felt like I wasn’t precisely there but on a different place, maybe in a “Distant Island” per se, is so amazing!

Going back to my travels photos, helps me so much when I feel a little down because I revive those moments and they make me remember how lucky I am sometimes for many reasons. I want to physycally escape somewhere away from here but I can’t right now so in the meantime i’m just mentally escaping to those places I adore like Big Sur.

Hasta pronto!,


McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.September 2019.

McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.

September 2019.

"Tiny Human"

This is one of my favorite photos I took last year, I have so many great memories from my trips, i’m so thankful I was able to be present in this exact moment when the sun was about to set. This photo was taken in Santa Cruz, California, you can see a person there in the middle, he was the only surfer in this beach, he seemed focus and calm, It was a beautiful day, I can’t imagine that feeling of being in the middle of the ocean waiting and waiting and waiting for that opportunity to “ride that wave”, trying, again and again without getting drowned or without getting bit by a shark… I can’t express with more words but there’s so much more behind this image and this analogy, I just wanna say I hope you never stop trying and you ride great waves in your life.

I can’t wait to visit the West Coast again.

Be safe,


“Tiny human” 2019Santa Cruz, Ca.

“Tiny human” 2019

Santa Cruz, Ca.

Earth Day


I hope we can take a moment to think about our dear planet, we live in a wonderful place, nature is amazing and we must respect it and take care of it everyday, is hard to do so because we are so busy living in routine that we forget about it.

Maybe we can eat less meat and recycle more and be nice to each other every day. Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to respect our Mother Nature as well as live in it to the fullest.

I wanted to share these photos below, they are from a trip I made to Big Sur on September 2019, on my way there from Carmel I wanted to make a quick stop for my roses photoshoot in Garrapata Beach and a small valley of lilies, it was such a beautiful day, please enjoy. We are so lucky to be living in this land with so much nature!

Best always,


Visual Poems.

I wrote this poem the other day, I was at my dear Laguna Beach, California recently, this is one of my favorite places. I’m no expert in how to express my emotions with words so I make this little clips instead.

I find so much beauty throwing roses at the ocean, that vision through a slow motion video makes me feel so many things.




Yosemite National Park was a last minute addition to my Grand Canyon/California road trip I made at the end of September, oh!!! i’m so glad I went!

I spent 1 day and a half there, stayed in Upper Pines Campground, I was lucky enough to find availability with a short time in advance, make sure you book this a few months before you go.

Got to meet “El Capitán”, “Half Dome” and the guts of this beautiful place, i’m sad I couldn’t see the falls and the actual lake at “Mirror Lake” but at that time of the year the water is gone… Best time to visit Yosemite should be Spring/Summer. I was happy to be there end of September because the weather was amazing, sun and nice breeze.

Enjoy my video, leave a comment if you like.

