I hope someday I can inspire some of you to go somewhere by yourself. I know is a little weird going some places alone but is actually really good for your soul, every single time i’ve been on a trip, short or long, I get to connect more with myself and I come back home feeling really good, inspired, healthy, energized and with a lot of positive thoughts. I know a lot of people that never go out and never do anything fun because they need to be with someone else, you shouldn’t wait for anyone to go with you if you really want to, just book that ticket, rent a car or take the train! Make a list of places you want to visit and start planning.
My bucket list is long but i’ve crossed many things from it already and I will continue to do so as soon as is safe to travel. I really wanted to go to the PNW and visit other National Parks this summer but the pandemic happened, in the meantime, i’m planning my next adventure here in NY and that will be underwater… Stay tuned.
I’m sharing these photos I took in Davenport, California in 2019, this place was the last stop on my itinerary from my road trip, right after here I drove straight to the San José airport to fly back home in Brooklyn, NY. I hope you get the vibe,
Solo photo session at this train rails.
Other photos on my Instagram
Shark Fin Cove, Davenport, CA.