Alone in the world

Sunrise dip

i’m feeling grateful for my health and full of life these days, this is been such a hard year for everyone but i’m truly convinced our life can get better when our intentions are genuine and when we put an effort to do things we enjoy the most. Our vibe is what attracts the energy we want.

The other day I went to receive the energy and sunlight from the first days of fall and I wanted to share that with you with a little video, I hope you get it.

Stay close to the water and be safe out there friends.


Charging batteries

Today was a hot day, I almost felt like I was about to give up the idea of my beach plans after a ride to Midtown, I barely go to the city anymore but I had to do a small job earlier there, I haven’t use the subway since March so everywhere I go I either bike or walk so crossing the Williamsburg bridge 2 ways on a Citi bike in one of the hottest days was no joke and on the top of that the inclination of the bridge is ahhhh!,but once I got back and got cool at home I packed my lunch and grabbed my camera and headed to la playa for a much needed recharging time, now i’m ready for another week of hard work, that’s another story about how people behave dining outdoors, I’ll tell you another time .

I wish the beach was closer to me so I can see the sunrise or sunset more often, in the meantime, enjoy some of the photos I took :) i’m no photographer but I like playing with the camera whenever I can.

Light & Love,
