Alone in the world

Winter 2021

This is one of my most precious pleasures I have in life, we all have something we love to do that might seem a little odd sometimes but gives us a je ne sais quoi, don’t you think? Mine is taking roses to the beach and snap a few photos of them but this is something you already know about me, what’s new? haha.

This was beautiful day, i’m so happy i’m alive.


SUN Rising

I wish I could live by the beach and be able to admire sunrises or sunsets from there more often, if you follow me on instagram you must know by now how much I share my love for these two phenomenons and how I like to light up neons at the beach too. Recently I went to Rockaway to photograph my newest neon rose called “Sunrise rose”, in that piece I talk about the ability to rise and become better, to grow and learn at the same time, to come from a lower place in your life to a higher position and more. Sun did not disappointed me, it looked so beautiful and a bit unusual to be honest, I will share the neon rose photo soon but in the meantime here’s this image.

Until next time,



Charging batteries

Today was a hot day, I almost felt like I was about to give up the idea of my beach plans after a ride to Midtown, I barely go to the city anymore but I had to do a small job earlier there, I haven’t use the subway since March so everywhere I go I either bike or walk so crossing the Williamsburg bridge 2 ways on a Citi bike in one of the hottest days was no joke and on the top of that the inclination of the bridge is ahhhh!,but once I got back and got cool at home I packed my lunch and grabbed my camera and headed to la playa for a much needed recharging time, now i’m ready for another week of hard work, that’s another story about how people behave dining outdoors, I’ll tell you another time .

I wish the beach was closer to me so I can see the sunrise or sunset more often, in the meantime, enjoy some of the photos I took :) i’m no photographer but I like playing with the camera whenever I can.

Light & Love,


Sunset Rose

Hi, I’m again so happy to share my most recent neon artwork with all of you.

All the elements came together in such a magical way for me yesterday at Rockaway Beach, here in New York; my vision came to life exactly the way I wanted it, although is really hard to photograph neon lights and I don’t own a prime lens but i’m satisfied with the results because I got that 1 shot I was looking for. If you follow my work you know I play with roses at the beach all the time and that is my main inspiration for this, I have a deep respect for the ocean for many reasons and I believe light and water are besties in my world.

Thanks for reading me, please enjoy life as much as you can and I hope you get to enjoy my work as well.

Light & Love,


Beautiful Sunset Rockaway Beach

Beautiful Sunset Rockaway Beach

sunset rose NEON - 5.jpg
Sunset Rose_square.jpg

Taking photos of roses, Fort Tilden.

Fort Tilden, recent days  taking some photos for my series “Soy las Rosas, you’re my ocean”.

Fort Tilden, recent days taking some photos for my series “Soy las Rosas, you’re my ocean”.

I hope you guys are well, 2020 is being such a wild year but i’m truly convinced a huge positive change is coming for all of us, humans, conscius and Mother Earth.

I hope you guys are well, 2020 is being such a wild year but i’m truly convinced a huge positive change is coming for all of us, humans, conscius and Mother Earth.