Alone in the world

Frágil pero fuerte.

Y después de todo,

ahi estas tú,

brillando con toda tu luz

a los pies del océano,

la brisa del mar acariciándote,

y la neblina

haciéndote lucir más bella que nunca.

y después de todo,

ahí estas tu,

frágil pero fuerte.

8mm glass tube filled with Argon and MercuryRockaway Beach, NY.October 2020

8mm glass tube filled with Argon and Mercury

Rockaway Beach, NY.

October 2020

SUN Rising

I wish I could live by the beach and be able to admire sunrises or sunsets from there more often, if you follow me on instagram you must know by now how much I share my love for these two phenomenons and how I like to light up neons at the beach too. Recently I went to Rockaway to photograph my newest neon rose called “Sunrise rose”, in that piece I talk about the ability to rise and become better, to grow and learn at the same time, to come from a lower place in your life to a higher position and more. Sun did not disappointed me, it looked so beautiful and a bit unusual to be honest, I will share the neon rose photo soon but in the meantime here’s this image.

Until next time,





I have 3 stories for you today.

All my boobies creations represent a woman and a story, today I posted on my instagram this photo below about 3 of my neon boobs artworks and I want to tell you about it.

From left to right:

1.- “Dominga”, that’s my abuelita’s name (RIP) she had big ones, so does my mom and of course, myself, thanks Minga (that’s how we used to call her) and all my big boobs ancestors haha, it wasn’t until a few years ago that i finally accepted the fact that i had big boobs and started feeling good about it. I grew up feeling ashamed of them, they were just so big, but these are the coconuts that I was meant to have so there’s nothing I can do about it. This piece talks about genes and heritage, generations and family resemblance from woman to woman.

2.- “Plus, we’re not perfect”, these are big boobs and uneven, because that’s normal, I’m talking about naturally plus size girls, a lot of plus size women aren’t happy with their bodies, even skinny girls aren’t but none of us are perfect and that’s okay, so let’s just try to carry that weight in the best possible and healthy way.

3.- “Bipolar”, to all of you with a bipolar disorder struggling everyday, going from one or many positive thoughts to negative ones, you’re still going to be loved, hang in there and ask for help, know the symptoms and talk to your family, I’m no expert and I don’t want to hurt anyone with my thoughts so I’ll stop right there because i don’t know how that feels like, but I will continue celebrating all of you chicas no matter what.

Light & Love,


Charging batteries

Today was a hot day, I almost felt like I was about to give up the idea of my beach plans after a ride to Midtown, I barely go to the city anymore but I had to do a small job earlier there, I haven’t use the subway since March so everywhere I go I either bike or walk so crossing the Williamsburg bridge 2 ways on a Citi bike in one of the hottest days was no joke and on the top of that the inclination of the bridge is ahhhh!,but once I got back and got cool at home I packed my lunch and grabbed my camera and headed to la playa for a much needed recharging time, now i’m ready for another week of hard work, that’s another story about how people behave dining outdoors, I’ll tell you another time .

I wish the beach was closer to me so I can see the sunrise or sunset more often, in the meantime, enjoy some of the photos I took :) i’m no photographer but I like playing with the camera whenever I can.

Light & Love,


Sunset Rose

Hi, I’m again so happy to share my most recent neon artwork with all of you.

All the elements came together in such a magical way for me yesterday at Rockaway Beach, here in New York; my vision came to life exactly the way I wanted it, although is really hard to photograph neon lights and I don’t own a prime lens but i’m satisfied with the results because I got that 1 shot I was looking for. If you follow my work you know I play with roses at the beach all the time and that is my main inspiration for this, I have a deep respect for the ocean for many reasons and I believe light and water are besties in my world.

Thanks for reading me, please enjoy life as much as you can and I hope you get to enjoy my work as well.

Light & Love,


Beautiful Sunset Rockaway Beach

Beautiful Sunset Rockaway Beach

sunset rose NEON - 5.jpg
Sunset Rose_square.jpg

Escapadas: Montauk, The end of the world.

You might know or not that i’m terribly afraid to sharks but I also know the chances of getting bit by one are very low, hey I’ve seen Shark week! and other sharks documentaries, so I got into the water that day at Ditch Plains and I couldn’t even feel how cold it was because the adrenaline was so high! Honestly, I felt amazing, I can’t wait to go back to the water again.

Montauk is such a small town, so pretty, clean and really far away from the craziness of the city, is at the very end of Long Island, they call it “The end of the world”, this was my 4th time there. Sunset that day didn’t disappoint…

See you again soon.



Taking photos of roses, Fort Tilden.

Fort Tilden, recent days  taking some photos for my series “Soy las Rosas, you’re my ocean”.

Fort Tilden, recent days taking some photos for my series “Soy las Rosas, you’re my ocean”.

I hope you guys are well, 2020 is being such a wild year but i’m truly convinced a huge positive change is coming for all of us, humans, conscius and Mother Earth.

I hope you guys are well, 2020 is being such a wild year but i’m truly convinced a huge positive change is coming for all of us, humans, conscius and Mother Earth.

escapadas: Robert Moses state park

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Oh hiii! The other day I packed my beach essentials in a 99cents cooler and I went to Long Island for a beach day, I drove to Robert Moses State Park which is right next to the Fire Island National Seashore, so beautiful beaches, it took me around 40 minutes to get there from my home in Brooklyn.

I really enjoyed my beach time, I had time to read a book, think about love and life and had fun taking photos under the sun, I couldn’t go inside the water , it was cold and i’m just too afraid of sharks but I’m working on it and I promise this summer I will go deeper into the water. These are some snaps I captured. I went to another beach after, I will share those photos on a later post. Adiós.

keepoff dunes_Fire Island lighthouse.jpg
Fire Island Lighthouse
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Long Island / Robert Moses State Park
Keep off dunes

Hopefully very soon

The weather is now officially beautiful in New York! So I decided to ride a bike all the way to Dumbo from Williamsburg so I can see the water, feel the sun and workout a little bit, so much carbs these days, u know?

These times are really tough for all of us and nothing that I say or do is going to make a huge difference, but maybe you will enjoy these photos and see how much beauty there’s around us and forget what’s going on for 2 seconds. I truly believe we’re going to be fine, hopefully very soon.



Brooklyn Bridge, May 2nd, 2020,

Brooklyn Bridge, May 2nd, 2020,



Good and bad days nowadays

I miss the beach, I miss taking photos of roses at the sunset, I wish I could be somewhere in California right now by the beach, i’m also happy to be in New York, here is home. I have good days and bad days too, just like everyone else; We are in this together and we will get back to our normal activities soon, I hope, renewed and with a different perspective in life. Trying to stay positive and hang in there! Writing helps, looking at beautiful photos helps too. Dreaming is always my escape so I do that every single day.

This is a photo of a beautiful rose, it was also one of the best sunsets from last year, the sky was unreal. I’m not expecting you see it the way I see it, but these photos I take bring me joy and I mean to spread joy if I can.


August 2019, Rockaway Beach, NY.

August 2019, Rockaway Beach, NY.


DIA: Beacon is one of the most awesome places in New York if you’re into art and escapades like me. I love it!

Take the Metro North train ride from Grand Central (is only $35 dls round trip to Beacon) is about 1:30 min that feels like 30 minutes really.

I’m sharing just a few photos of what you can see in there but there’s way more! too bad the lower level was closed this time but I guess i’ll have to come back when they reopen it.

My always favorites: Richard Serra and Mary Corse, but this time I was completely seduced by Sam Gilliam’s work.