Alone in the world

swimming in the middle of a Distant Island.

When it was my time to go in the water,  the sun wasn’t even out because a big cloud was covering its light, I swam towards the others while adjusting the snorkel and within seconds I saw the sharks swimming below me, they were in different levels, some seemed very distant and others way closer to us, a bunch of them.


I felt so little, so alone and so full of life at the same time, I was in the middle of an ocean I don’t know, with people I’ve never seen in my life surrounded by sharks and the immensity of the ocean. Not too long after we dove into the water, rain started to pour over us and a beautiful rainbow appeared on the horizon, sun was out but still kinda hidden in between clouds, it was so magical, it was too much! Way too much, I’m happy to share this moment with you all, I’m forever wishing to share these experiences with people I love but I’m too long gone, too far away.

Thank you Cullen Morris, he was part of the crew and he got to snap beautiful photos like the ones in this post. Can you believe these ?

I’m forever grateful for my health first of all, second grateful for being up to a challenge.

Gracias por leerme  and Aloha to you all,


Love signs

I didn’t miss one single sunrise or sunset for 9 straight days, these photos here are for the first sunrise of my West Coast trip. I can’t believe there’s so much natural beauty in this life, I mean, look at those colors! I’m taking this moment to give thanks for having the opportunity to witness nature.



click click

click click

The Bay shinning stars

The Bay shinning stars

The heart palm tree

The heart palm tree

Signals in the sky

Signals in the sky

One of the most beautiful times i’ve seen the moon that pretty and that full.

One of the most beautiful times i’ve seen the moon that pretty and that full.

Frágil pero fuerte.

Y después de todo,

ahi estas tú,

brillando con toda tu luz

a los pies del océano,

la brisa del mar acariciándote,

y la neblina

haciéndote lucir más bella que nunca.

y después de todo,

ahí estas tu,

frágil pero fuerte.

8mm glass tube filled with Argon and MercuryRockaway Beach, NY.October 2020

8mm glass tube filled with Argon and Mercury

Rockaway Beach, NY.

October 2020

Sunrise dip

i’m feeling grateful for my health and full of life these days, this is been such a hard year for everyone but i’m truly convinced our life can get better when our intentions are genuine and when we put an effort to do things we enjoy the most. Our vibe is what attracts the energy we want.

The other day I went to receive the energy and sunlight from the first days of fall and I wanted to share that with you with a little video, I hope you get it.

Stay close to the water and be safe out there friends.


Taking photos of roses, Fort Tilden.

Fort Tilden, recent days  taking some photos for my series “Soy las Rosas, you’re my ocean”.

Fort Tilden, recent days taking some photos for my series “Soy las Rosas, you’re my ocean”.

I hope you guys are well, 2020 is being such a wild year but i’m truly convinced a huge positive change is coming for all of us, humans, conscius and Mother Earth.

I hope you guys are well, 2020 is being such a wild year but i’m truly convinced a huge positive change is coming for all of us, humans, conscius and Mother Earth.

Earth Day


I hope we can take a moment to think about our dear planet, we live in a wonderful place, nature is amazing and we must respect it and take care of it everyday, is hard to do so because we are so busy living in routine that we forget about it.

Maybe we can eat less meat and recycle more and be nice to each other every day. Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to respect our Mother Nature as well as live in it to the fullest.

I wanted to share these photos below, they are from a trip I made to Big Sur on September 2019, on my way there from Carmel I wanted to make a quick stop for my roses photoshoot in Garrapata Beach and a small valley of lilies, it was such a beautiful day, please enjoy. We are so lucky to be living in this land with so much nature!

Best always,


Visual Poems.

I wrote this poem the other day, I was at my dear Laguna Beach, California recently, this is one of my favorite places. I’m no expert in how to express my emotions with words so I make this little clips instead.

I find so much beauty throwing roses at the ocean, that vision through a slow motion video makes me feel so many things.

