Alone in the world

GOD BLESS YOU Mother Nature! Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is definitely a day I love to celebrate more than Easter, Valentine’s or even Independence Day! *What the hell is Independence anyways?) Earth Day is everyday but I love the idea of having 24hours to talk about nothing but Mother Nature… It’s the perfect time to create awareness to protect and take care of our land and our life in this planet. A little effort is something! There are so many ways to contribute to a better world by just common sense rules we all know!

  • try to consume less plastic

  • recycle

  • don’t litter

  • put garbage in its place

  • support small and organic farms

  • consume less meat and less fish to control Industrial fishing practices

  • plant a tree, propagate new plants!

  • buy less clothes, try to avoid fast fashion and switch to companies that care about their fabrics and recycling materials my 2 top brands are Reformation and Patagonia.

  • share information with your friends about how to be a better citizen :)

  • don’t leave your trash at the beach please!

  • take care of the water, our most important resource, the fountain of our existence is water!

And these are only a few examples but there are other things you could also do. I believe that connecting with nature is the best thing that ever happened to me and therefore I want to make sure the future generations in myself are going to be living in a safe environment.

Take care and see you all soon



"Tiny Human"

This is one of my favorite photos I took last year, I have so many great memories from my trips, i’m so thankful I was able to be present in this exact moment when the sun was about to set. This photo was taken in Santa Cruz, California, you can see a person there in the middle, he was the only surfer in this beach, he seemed focus and calm, It was a beautiful day, I can’t imagine that feeling of being in the middle of the ocean waiting and waiting and waiting for that opportunity to “ride that wave”, trying, again and again without getting drowned or without getting bit by a shark… I can’t express with more words but there’s so much more behind this image and this analogy, I just wanna say I hope you never stop trying and you ride great waves in your life.

I can’t wait to visit the West Coast again.

Be safe,


“Tiny human” 2019Santa Cruz, Ca.

“Tiny human” 2019

Santa Cruz, Ca.

Earth Day


I hope we can take a moment to think about our dear planet, we live in a wonderful place, nature is amazing and we must respect it and take care of it everyday, is hard to do so because we are so busy living in routine that we forget about it.

Maybe we can eat less meat and recycle more and be nice to each other every day. Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to respect our Mother Nature as well as live in it to the fullest.

I wanted to share these photos below, they are from a trip I made to Big Sur on September 2019, on my way there from Carmel I wanted to make a quick stop for my roses photoshoot in Garrapata Beach and a small valley of lilies, it was such a beautiful day, please enjoy. We are so lucky to be living in this land with so much nature!

Best always,


Maine. Portland, Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, Cape Elizabeth.

Traveling to Maine was one of the things In my SummerBucket list, I finally got the chance to go and I loved it!

I traveled from JFK New York to PWM Portland Airport, flight is about 1 hour, is the shortest flight ever!

Here are some photos of how this trip went.

You must:

  • Go to Bar Harbor and visit Acadia National Park, is worth it if you’re into nature and hiking, is about 3 hr drive from Portland, this is a beautiful and big park and a cute small town. The highlights are: - The Bubbles, -The Beehive, -Sand Beach, -Jordan Pond, -Watching the sunrise from Cadillac Mountain, maybe Thunder hole if the tide is high and a walk around Bar Harbor for food and souvenirs shopping.

  • Have some Lobster rolls, my favorites were from Lobster Co and Bite into Maine, also The Highroller, and must try a Blueberry pie too I tried mine from Geddy’s in Bar Harbor!

  • Walk around Old Port at Sunset

  • Get some oysters from Eventide Co. or Blyth and Burrows. Great Cocktails at Portland Hunt + Alpine Club.

  • And of course the Lighthouse visit in Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth.